Rainbow and Butterflies Bouquet


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Finally, we know what’s at the end of a rainbow. Artfully arranged in a colorful container, this fruit bouquet features delectable chocolate covered strawberries dipped in gourmet, semisweet chocolate with brightly-colored Swizzle®, succulent pineapple daisies, pineapple butterflies, and pineapple hearts. As if that weren’t enough, fresh honeydew, and delicious cantaloupe, combine to complete this fruitful paradise, perfect for any occasion or holiday like a birthday.

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Rainbow and Butterflies Bouquet

Rainbow and Butterflies Bouquet
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Finally, we know what’s at the end of a rainbow. Artfully arranged in a colorful container, this fruit bouquet features delectable chocolate covered strawberries dipped in gourmet, semisweet chocolate with brightly-colored Swizzle®, succulent pineapple daisies, pineapple butterflies, and pineapple hearts. As if that weren’t enough, fresh honeydew, and delicious cantaloupe, combine to complete this fruitful paradise, perfect for any occasion or holiday like a birthday.

Disclaimer: Container may vary.

Allergy Warning: Edible Arrangements products may contain peanuts and/or tree nuts. We recommend that you take the necessary precautions based on any related allergies. Container may vary.

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